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The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless ~ Keith Anderson serves as pastor at Upper Dublin Lutheran Church near Philadelphia He is the author of The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World Morehouse 2015 and is coauthor with Elizabeth Drescher of Click2Save The Digital Ministry Bible Morehouse 2012
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless ~ In The Digital Cathedral Keith has provided not simply tips on using social media or the internet for ministry but rather offers us the means by which to participate in the virtual Body of Christ extending the care and compassion of the Gospel to quite literally the ends of the earth via digital means
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World ~ The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World As the network paradigm becomes central to the way we understand ourselves it is causing a revisioning of the nature of the Body of Christ in the twentyfirst century
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World ~ The Digital Cathedral is a mustread for 21st century ministry leaders and practitioners who want to remain engaged relevant and meaningful in a dynamic religious His attention to the spiritual and religious practice of ordinary people in the world beyond the church doors allows him to explore these practices for opportunities to enrich and extend ministry practice in particularly creative ways
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless ~ The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World shared a link The first time the Rev Kelly Chatman stepped into the pulpit at Redeemer Lutheran Church 17 years ago he looked out at his new congregation 30 maybe 35 people at the most and got a sinking feeling in his stomach
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World ~ The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World • Expands on author’s popular work in Click 2 Save • Provides both practical and theological perspectives on using media appropriately and pastorally Rapid cultural and technological changes through the last two decades have changed the context for ministry
The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World ~ The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World Keith Anderson May 1 2015 An essential handbook for the digital age on how to connect with your congregation through social media
The digital cathedral Networked ministry in a wireless world ~ The digital cathedral Networked ministry in a wireless world Posted Feb 04 2014 New Media Project By Keith Anderson guest blogger This is the first in a fivepart series on Keiths forthcoming book The Digital Cathedral
The Digital Cathedral ~ Keith Anderson is the author of The Digital Cathedral Networked Ministry in a Wireless World Morehouse and a recognized thought leader across mainline denominations on the ways congregations and ministries faithfully minister in a digitallyintegrated world He is a highly regarded speaker on new media and Christian life at conferences convocations and consultations
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