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Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American ~ A wellillustrated cultural history of the apparel worn by American Catholics Sally DwyerMcNultys Common Threads reveals the transnational origins and homegrown significance of clothing in developing identity unity and a sense of respectability for a major religious group that had long struggled for its footing in a Protestantdominated society often openly hostile to Catholics Focusing on those who wore the most visually distinct clothespriests women religious and schoolchildren
Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American ~ A wellillustrated cultural history of the apparel worn by American Catholics Sally DwyerMcNultysCommon Threadsreveals the transnational origins and homegrown significance of clothing in developing identity unity and a sense of respectability for a major religious group that had long struggled for its footing in a Protestantdominated society often openly hostile to Catholics Focusing on those who wore the most visually distinct clothespriests women religious and schoolchildren
Sally DwyerMcNulty Common Threads A Cultural History of ~ The rich sacramental tradition of the Roman Catholic Church provides wonderful subject matter for cultural historians Sally DwyerMcNultys fine book on American Catholic clothing offers a close look at one of the most visible features of American Catholic life the distinctive garb of its “professionals” priests and sisters and the uniforms worn by generations of Catholic school children
Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American ~ In consideration of these two observations this study first documents the history of Catholic clothing in America Catholic apparel is something that appears to have always been there—it has undergone naturalization As a result of this “timefree” phenomenon Catholic clothing remains understudied
Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American ~ AMERICAN Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American Catholicism By Sally DwyerMcNulty Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2014 Pp xiv 257 3995 ISBN 9781469614090 This engaging book is filled with information that connects Catholic history acculturation and identity expression
Project MUSE Common Threads A Cultural History of ~ Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American Catholicism by Sally DwyerMcNulty Linda Arthur Bradley Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American Catholicism
Project MUSE Common Threads A Cultural History of ~ In the Introduction to Common Threads Sally DwyerMcNulty explains “why clothing is important” for those who wish to study American Catholic history and culture In so doing she clarifies her method “I uncover how Catholics came to rely on clothing to negotiate relations between religious authority and laity
Review Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in ~ Sally DwyerMcNulty’s Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American Catholicism is a readable and useful study The work’s scope is narrower than the title suggests but evocative nonetheless It focuses primarily on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries more on the latter the clothing of priests and female religious
Common Threads A Cultural History of Clothing in American ~ A wellillustrated cultural history of the apparel worn by American Catholics Sally DwyerMcNultys Common Threads reveals the transnational origins and homegrown significance of clothing in developing identity unity and a sense of respectability for a major religious group that had long struggled for its footing in a Protestantdominated society
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