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Tour of the Summa Precis of the Summa Theologica of St ~ A Tour of the Summa is not a translation not a digest not a selection of parts called basic or best It is a journey though the entire Summa from beginning to end and it furnishes a tourists view of the scope and content of that master work
A Tour of The Summa 9780895550811 Msg Paul ~ 50 out of 5 stars A Tour of the Summa book May 12 2009 Format Paperback Verified Purchase This book clarifies and puts into simple and more understandable terms the Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas Of course if you are citing or using the Summa Theologica as a reference for a paper you will need to consult the actual Summan
A Tour of the Summa A Journey Through St Thomas Aquinas ~ This unique synopsis of the Summa Theologica is a complete chapterbychapter restatement of St Thomas work intended to expose readers to the totality of St Thomas thought and yet be brief enough to fit into one volume Author of eleven other books
Tour of the Summa Precis of the Summa Theologica of St ~ However the Summa is a large work written in the 12th century Fortunately for us Monsignor Paul Glenn a teacher of philosphy and theology wrote a precis of the famous work which will allow a thirsting soul to savour the wisdom of St Thomas is as short a time as possible
Tour of the Summa Precis of the Summa Theologica of St ~ Sacred doctrine does not argue about these principles as philosophy does to show that they are in accord with reason sacred doctrine presents these truths on Gods authority and proceeds to draw other truths from them by study and reasoning 9 Holy Scripture is a source of divine revelation
A Tour of the Summa – Catholic Way Publishing ~ The Summa Theologica is thought of as by the Catholic Church to be a very powerful of the various works with which the towering St Thomas Aquinas enriched the world But many lack the inclination or opportunity to spend years of sustained effort to review itA Tour of the Summa used to be written especially for the ones persons
Tour of the Summa Precis of the Summa Theologica of St ~ A precis of the Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas 1 The Object of Faith 1 The faith of which we speak here is not the mere human faith by which we accept the testimony of men but the faith by which we accept the revealed word of God
Tour of the Summa Precis of the Summa Theologica of St ~ 1 Fitness of the Incarnation 1 It is most suitable that the invisible things of Godshould be manifested by visible things Creatures as St Paul saysRom 120 prove the existence and show the attributes of the Incarnation the coming of God himself as man mostmagnificently shows forth the divine perfections
St Thomas Aquinas A Tour of The Summa ~ A Tour of The Summa A Journey Through St Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica by Rt Rev Msgr Paul J Glenn This unique synopsis of the Summa Theologica is a complete chapterbychapter restatement of St Thomas work intended to expose readers to the totality of St Thomas thought and yet be brief enough to fit into one volume
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