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10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must ~ In writing this statement we have no intention to defame or disparage anyone We are not moved by personal hatred against any individual In intellectually opposing individuals or organizations promoting the homosexual agenda our only intent is the defense of traditional marriage the family and the precious remnants of Christian civilization
Arguments against homosexuality ~ Dr Batten’s argument requires that the opposition accepts as true that homosexuality is as much a sin and crime as robbery rape or murder If his experience is anything like mine I don’t think he’ll get that concession even if his opponent is harboring that belief privately
Best arguments against homosexuality Conservapedia ~ Bible believing Christians other faiths against homosexuality and churches have rights too see Homosexuality and religious liberty Disordered conduct is the wrong direction for individuals and our Nation Ancient RomansGreek committed many homosexual acts and their decadent empires declined and fell
Arguments Against Homosexuality Conservapedia ~ There are many arguments against homosexuality based on religious grounds and on its effects on society which include such matters as the negative health effects of homosexuality and that homosexual couples experience significant higher rates of domestic violence
Discrimination Against Homosexuals ~ Discrimination Against Homosexuals Adopted by the APA Council of Representatives on January 2426 1975 The American Psychological Association supports the action taken on December 15 1973 by the American Psychiatric Association removing homosexuality from that Associations official list of mental disorders
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality ~ For example Presbyterian theologian Mark Achtemeier argues against the traditional view of homosexuality in his book The Bible’s Yes to SameSex Marriage An Evangelicals Change of Heart 8 This book is the story of a change of heart In the middle 1990s I was a conservative church activist working hard to defend the “traditional
Homosexuality The BiblicalChristian View ~ In the Old Testament homosexuality is most explicitly discussed in four passages Two are prohibitions in the law against homosexual activity The other two are historical events SodomGomorrah and Gibeah We will not attempt to answer every issue that could be raised about each text
Homosexuality in the New Testament Wikipedia ~ Arguments against a reference to homosexual behaviour In contrast John Boswell 1980 argues that this is a term specifically created by Paul and that given its unusual nature the fact that Paul did not use one of the more common pagan Greek terms and given its direct reference to the Levitical laws it is a matter of debate whether Paul was referring generally to any person having
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